första inlägget 2013 och om jordnötssmör, grapefrukt och te.
Now I'm trying to start up the blog again after this half slumber. I am so thankful for all of your lovely words which I've been receiving while I was away and I just want to say thankyouthankyouthankyou to everyone, you guys really make writing this blog worth it.
My goal now is trying to update 2-3 times a week. I still want quality over quantity, but the morning light here up north rarely allows it. And then I'll also post all the reader breakfasts I received during the time I was away but which haven't been published yet. Please continue to send your pictures to me by the way! Hugs!
Fint! Har ni kallt nu?
Ser fram emot alla fina inlägg:)
Välkommen tillbaka!
We're researching for both weblogs supply honest, well balanced feedback upon virtually all troubles or even weblogs which have any open-handed or even left-wing leaning. Thank you..
sååå fint.
dina foton är verkligen alltid smått (eller mer mer mer än smått) magiska.